Miss Wendy Gillies, Founder/Missionary.  Wendy has a clear vision for helping children and youth who are growing up without parents.  She has four years of experience as a full-time missionary to Panama.  She also taught English as a second language and worked as a nurse’s aide.  Wendy is serving the vulnerable in the name of Jesus.

Mrs. Elizabeth Gillies, Board Member.  Elizabeth, also known as Ms. Betty, is a homeschool teacher, a former Christian school teacher, and a former foreign missionary with 35 years of experience working with children.  Ms. Betty led dozens of children to faith in Christ.  She taught many children to read that others had given up on.

Dr. Robin Harding, Secretary of the Board.  Dr. Harding practices family medicine in Madisonville, Tennessee.  She is the mother of three precious children.  Robin has served on many short-term mission trips.

Mrs. Devonda Firestone, Treasurer of the Board.  Devonda has a heart for children and a heart for missions.  She has been volunteering in her church for many years.  Devonda has one son and three precious grandsons.

Brother Benny Thomas, President of the Board.  Brother Benny is the Retired Pastor of Hiwassee Union Baptist Church in Reliance, TN, where he served as pastor for 16 years.  He and his wife have a huge heart for children.  They supported several children’s homes and youth ranches over the years.

Mission Statement

Our mission is serving children, youth, and adults in the name of Jesus.  Our first goal is to introduce people to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We win souls and disciple them.  We help provide food and meet other physical needs of vulnerable children and youth.  Our focus is assisting Baptist missionaries, Baptist churches, and Baptist orphanages by providing funding, support, and training.



Benny Thomas, Retired Pastor of Hiwassee Union Baptist Church, Reliance, TN:
“Wendy is a very talented and loving young lady.  Her love for the Lord is supreme.  It shows in her life, lived for the Lord Jesus.  Wendy spoke and shared the video she had prepared concerning Safely Home Children’s Ministries at our church.  We are all happy to be part of this ministry.  I know you are aware of the crisis we are in with our children from broken homes.  Jesus loves all the children of the world.  He sees them through the eyes of Wendy Gillies, and is going to help them.  I am writing to recommend Wendy Gillies to come to your church and speak.  She will bless you and draw you closer to God.  She is praying and depending on God to bring the funds for this ministry.  Again, I recommend Wendy very highly.  Thank you for your support and fellowship.  God bless you.”
Ed Wilson, Retired Missionary living in Panama, Volunteer at the Children’s Home:
“Debbie and I first met Wendy and her mom, Betty, several years ago when they were teaching here in Panama at the Baptist orphanage/children’s home, where we both served as volunteers and financial supporters. It was during this time that we witnessed, firsthand, their love and compassion for kids and their undying love of Jesus and His Gospel. While they’ve both since returned to their home in the States, their passion for sharing the love of Christ with disadvantaged children has never wavered. That passion, undergirded by countless prayers and God’s provision has recently evolved into a very special ministry for kids in need of a safe place to live and learn in a Christ centered, loving atmosphere. If the current state of the world has stirred your heart to move your prayers to real meaningful action for God, please consider donating to this Christian ministry for kids. THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING THIS. (By the way, it is a registered 501 c3.) ‘…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40″
Tracy Rodriguez, Missionary in Panama, Pastor’s Wife at Iglesia Bautista El Faro:
“Wendy has a tough side that will make her a strong advocate for children.”

Doctrine/Church Affiliation

Safely Home Children’s Ministries is a Christian organization, and our affiliation is Baptist.  As stated in our Mission Statement, our first goal is to introduce people to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Then we help them find God’s answers for their lives from the Bible.  We use the King James Version in English.  We use the Reina-Valera 1960 in Spanish.  We believe Jesus is fully God and fully man, that He died to pay the penalty for our sins and rose again the third day, and that we can only be saved by trusting Him.  Without trusting Christ, we cannot be saved, and we cannot go to heaven when we die.  Since we do not preach or plant churches, we refer any other doctrinal questions to our pastor.

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